Remix Reframe V2
The peer critique was helpful to select which concept to move forwards with. It was hard to decide which remix could be expanded upon in an attainable but challenging manner. Ultimately, we agreed that Apex Predator had the most visual impact balanced as well as being timely to current concerns about the economy and environment. It was also helpful to hear suggestions on pushing the gas pump portion of my object. We talked about colours, scale and textures that could differentiate the metallic nature of the object from it's organic history.
With that in mind, I took the below objects and began work.
The leg to torso transition was tricky, but I eventually solved it with segmentation.
And the result - a much expanded concept, which stronger definition of the constituent objects and additional tableau elements.
Although this creation is made from objects sourced on Thingiverse, it's much more than the sum of it's parts. It couldn't have been created without a classroom and curriculum open to producing art as part of Read/Write culture. As a mashup of existing objects, it was much more feasible to bash/sculpt this critique of consumption and disregard for history together using open-sourced files, than for me to learn enough 3d sculpting in the same time. Additionally, this piece exists in it's current incarnation only because of peer-input. Ideas and computer files have about the same physical weight - but in this work, both have been freely shared - and that has allowed me to produce art.
I think the juxtaposition of the piece - old to new, ancient to modern, speaks also to read/write culture - something which we call by a modern name, but has ancient roots. By implying that history will repeat it's self and oil has or will become predatory, the juxtaposition speaks to the dangers of oil reliance and wilful ignorance of the past.
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