It's the End of the World as We Know It - Milestone One
I can't say I expected the journey of Apex Predator to end up here - slick and sleek. But this week we began to reassemble our creations in Rhino 6, assigned them materials, staged them, lit them and hit that magic render button.
I was impressed. By this point I am comfortable in meshmixer, and that made this process a lot more streamlined. I've always been a bit of a perfectionist, and it took a while to polish up the objects, import them and align them just so.
But it was worth it. Materials were a lot of fun - I even went looking for extra .rmtls online. The leather look was a nice addition to the predator. It was pretty cute just plain, on a white surface with ambient skylight or studio setting light.
I didn't love the darkness of the tail blowing out that night green so I adjusted with a soft point light to the rear. But this still wasn't as dramatic as I knew it could go. No, I knew we could get a different feeling with a teal point light for contrast.
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