It's no secret that creating art can be painful. It can be awkward and ungainly, crooked and cramped. Even with the luxury of a studio space in my home, I find myself shuffling between computer, drafting table, kitchen table and the lazy boy. Why? Because I suffer from chronic back pain - and art school isn't helping! In the documentary, Objectified , Dan Formosa tells us that by designing for the extremes, we also service the middle. If I could improve the space I use to make art, in a way that is accessible to active people with healthy backs, this would allow me to design something that was functional for a large range of people. The problems: Space. Mobility - the less I walk, the longer I can work. Multi-functionality - I need to be able to paint, make comics and work digitally. I also need something that can be put on a coffee table, a computer desk, or even in my lap. I took to heart Marc Newsom's advise to disregard current references - I didn't want...
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