Not an Engineer

First off, I love the digital calipers. I now have illimitable measuring power in my hands. That being said, it's really clear that I am not, nor should ever be, an engineer. I mean, look at these notes. 

Normally, I would rewrite all my notes to be pretty and legible for everyone else, but that hasn't been an option this time. 

this is where we wanted to end up

This is how I started - by knowing I was going to use revolve for SO MANY things. 

The arc calculator saved my life by figuring out the angles needed to produce certain arc lengths. I extruded this shape and removed it from the hoops I had created around the flashlight handle to create the grid grip.

 The inner reflective assembly

The final product. 

The time I could give this project was pretty limited - I really wish I had had the time to create the indents around the mouth of the flashlight, but as I had to miss last class, I really didn't know where to start on such a complex shape. I also wish I could have modelled the rope but wasn't able to find a usable solution. All in all, I'm just happy to have something to blog about. 


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