Ring Ring


I was really intrigued by the modelling possibilities of the Rhino tools we have learnt over the last few months - previously I would have expected to return to mesh modelling to create something this organic. 

Knowing that I had moved beyond simple geometric shapes, I wanted to create a ring that felt more handcrafted and less shapebased. I found the diameter I wanted to use, and created a second circle to indicate the exterior periphery - that gave me the inner and out limits of the wibbly branch shape. After flowing my shape around the exterior circle, I made sure it had several contact points along the inner circle so it would brace against the finger surface. 

I then assigned some materials and rendered the above. 

Proofing is important, so I also proofed through make2d and print settings. 
shapeways highlighted some of the thinner sections - but I was expecting those to be on the delicate end and I'm not super concerned about it - switching it from plastic to brass cleared that issue up - and my intention was not plastic anyways. 

I spent several more hours trying to get a link to the shapeways product I created but uh, no luck. My ring comes up in search, but clicking on it takes you back to the marketplace. Until I can figure out why, shapeways is a bust.


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