Papercraft: The Final Resolution
This has been quite a journey. I have gone over every speck of my destroyed car (and reference images of intact Versa Notes) to compare it to the model I have created and revised. I have reconciled what was possible to recreate in paper against what I saw and what skill I have, and hopefully, done an sufficient job in striking a balance. It has been important to me during this project to stay true, not just to the spirit of the vehicle and it's meaning to me (over say, absolute visual/proportional accuracy) but also to the spirit of the material I was working in. I have considered the limitations of paper and tried to stay within the boundaries of what one can possibly ask, or should ask, cardstock to do. This is linked to the study of the Constructivists/ Constructionists I undertook in Sculpture class last semester. There's a kind of honour and reverence in knowing the limits of the material and showing it as best you can, acknowledging the faktura, as well as the constructi...