Papercraft - modern, ancient. An accessible material that can produce impressive sculptural work but also can require an almost inaccessible amount of time, energy and patience. A two dimension writing surface co-opted in three dimensional art. There's a wide field of work being produced with an assortment of tools aided by many types of paper available, and it becomes clear that papercraft isn't necessarily a unified practice, but instead on overarching term in which many sub-categories exist using the same material with different tools to different ends. Vincent Tomczyk is a papercraft artist who has been documented by Colossal for their extremely life-like paper objects that mimic everyday items - clothing, seating, utilitarian objects. In their own artist statement , Tomczyk describes the use of these objects to connect and to recapitulate the emotional essence of the original in a functionless simulacra. Many of the objects are well-worn, hinting at a history of u...